Non Critical Notice

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Cap Rel
Posting Date/Time: 05/24/2019 15:15
Notice Effective Date/Time: 05/24/2019 15:15
Notice End Date/Time: 12/31/2049 00:00
Notice ID: 9248
Notice Status Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:  
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
Subject: Supported Price Index Reference

In reference to NAESB Standard 5.3.65, ANR Pipeline currently subscribes to Platts Gas Daily and Natural Gas Intelligence price indices. These subscriptions are renewed yearly.

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Other
Posting Date/Time: 11/30/2020 12:10
Notice Effective Date/Time: 12/01/2020 09:00
Notice End Date/Time: 12/31/2049 08:59
Notice ID: 10035
Notice Status Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 9903
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
Attention: ANR Pipeline Transportation Shippers

Effective December 1, 2020, until further notice, ANR Pipeline will waive penalty dollars associated with Daily Scheduling Penalties (DSPs) when the cumulative monthly infraction is less than 3,000 Dth per contract.

Likewise, effective December 1, 2020, until further notice, ANR Pipeline will waive penalty dollars associated with Unauthorized Overrun Service (UOS) penalties when the cumulative monthly infraction is less than 3,000 Dth per contract.

ANR reserves the right to remove or modify these waivers at any time. For more information, please contact your Customer Service or Marketing representative.

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Cust Srvc
Posting Date/Time: 10/19/2022 16:06
Notice Effective Date/Time: 10/19/2022 16:06
Notice End Date/Time: 12/31/2049 08:59
Notice ID: 10972
Notice Status Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 10694
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
Pursuant to the FERC Letter order accepting ANR Pipeline

Company's 12/1//16 filing of a new Parking and Loan Pro

Service Agreement, effective 1/1/17 under RP17-237,
ANR will
be posting the IPLS locations rather than
listing them in

The new IPLS locations in effect as of
IPLS Rabbit Ridge - 505662

The New IPLS Locations in
effect as of
505656 - IPLS Slaughters

The New
IPLS Locations in effect as of
505650 - IPLS

The New IPLS Locations in effect as of

505638 - IPLS Westrick

The New IPLS Locations
effect as of 7/10/2018:
505615 - IPLS Collierville

IPLS Locations in effect as of 5/21/2018:
505613 - IPLS


The New IPLS Locations in effect as of 7/26/17:

505599 - IPLS Marshfield/Viking
505600 - IPLS Monclova

505601 - IPS Paulding
505602 - IPLS Janesville

The New

IPLS locations in effect as of 6/20/2017:
505597 - IPLS

Crystal Falls
505598 - IPLS Farwell

The New IPLS
in effect as of 1/1/2017:
505584 - IPLS Rex

505585 - IPLS Overisel
505586 - IPLS Stag

505587 - IPLS Detroit A
866062 - IPLS Willow

755893 - IPLS Mone
766182 - IPLS Brownsville

766183 - IPLS Weakley
766312 - IPLS Holland BPW
766313 -

IPLS Napoleon
766324 - IPLS South Craig
866060 - IPLS

866061 - IPLS Lebanon
866062 - IPLS Wauseon
IPLS Panola
866068 - IPLS Monee
9505488 - IPLS Covert

103565 - SE Headstation
103702 - SW Headstation
243097 -
Joliet HUB

If you have any questions, please contact
the ANR
Noms & Scheduling group at

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Tariff Discretionary Actions
Posting Date/Time: 08/28/2020 17:45
Notice Effective Date/Time: 08/28/2020 17:45
Notice End Date/Time: 12/31/2049 23:59
Notice ID: 9878
Notice Status Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 5283
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
Affiliate Tariff Waivers
358.7 (i) Posting of Waivers

A transmission provider must post on its Internet Web site notice of each waiver of a tariff provision that it grants in favor of an affiliate, unless such waiver has been approved by the Commission. The posting must be made within one business day of the act of a waiver. The transmission provider must also maintain a log of the acts of waiver and must make it available to the Commission upon request. The records must be kept for a period of five years from the date of each act of waiver.

Company does not have any instances of a waiver of its tariff provision that it grants in favor of an affiliate.

Posted 8/28/2020

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Information Disclosures
Posting Date/Time: 08/28/2020 18:00
Notice Effective Date/Time: 08/28/2020 18:00
Notice End Date/Time: 12/31/2049 23:59
Notice ID: 9879
Notice Status Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 5285
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
Information Disclosure:

358.7 (a) Contemporaneous disclosure

(a) Contemporaneous disclosure. (1) If a transmission provider discloses nonpublic transmission function information, other than information identified in paragraph (a) (2) of this section, in a manner contrary to the requirements of 358.6, the transmission provider must immediately post the information that was disclosed on its Internet Web site.

Company is not aware of any instance whereby a posting would be required under 358.7 (a) of the Commission's regulations.

Updated and posted: August 28,2020

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Voluntary Consent
Posting Date/Time: 08/28/2020 18:00
Notice Effective Date/Time: 08/28/2020 18:00
Notice End Date/Time: 12/31/2049 23:59
Notice ID: 9880
Notice Status Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 5286
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
Voluntary Consent:

358.7 (c) Voluntary Consent Provision

A transmission customer may voluntarily consent, in writing, to allow the transmission provider to disclose the transmission customer's nom-public information to the transmission provider's marketing function employees. If the transmission customer authorizes the transmission provider to disclose its information to marketing function employees, the transmission provider must post notice on its Internet Web site of that consent along with a statement that it did not provide any preferences, either operational or rate related, in exchange for that voluntary consent.

Company is not aware of any instance, as described above, which would require a posting under 358.7 (c) of the Commission's regulations.

Updated and Posted: August 28,2020

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Other
Posting Date/Time: 12/01/2023 15:40
Notice Effective Date/Time: 12/01/2023 15:40
Notice End Date/Time: 11/01/2025 09:00
Notice ID: 11564
Notice Status Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:  
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
December 1, 2023
Update to the Reservation of Capacity Posting (Notice ID 10980) for the Wisconsin Reliability Project (formerly the Wisconsin Expansion Project) (the "Project")

On November 14, 2022, ANR submitted the Abbreviated Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and Abandonment Authority for the Project under Docket CP23-15-000.

Pursuant to Section 6.3.3 of the General Terms and Conditions of its FERC Gas Tariff, ANR gives notice that Unsubscribed Capacity, as more fully described below, will be reserved for use in potential future expansion of the ANR pipeline system.

The Project is being designed such to modify and/or upgrade certain compressor station facilities and certain mainline piping segments, located within ANR's ML-7 zone. The Project seeks to provide additional firm capacity for the transport of natural gas volumes from ANR's SW Mainline area of service and ANR's Joliet Hub area of service to demand regions throughout the state of Wisconsin. The anticipated in-service date of the Project is November 1, 2025.

As a result, ANR is reserving transportation capacity for the Project as more fully described below for the following locations and segments:

starting November 1, 2025, during the period of November 1 - March 31, annually:

22,750 Dth/day

114,026 Dth/day

12,000 Dth/day

19,500 Dth/d

starting April 1, 2026, during the period of April 1 - October 31 annually:

22,750 Dth/day

114,026 Dth/day

12,000 Dth/day

19,500 Dth/d

The quantities and scope of the Project may change based upon continued negotiations with potential shippers and the results of any potential, subsequent open season. Subject to its availability, ANR will be making this capacity available for sale on a limited term basis starting from the date of this posting to the in-service date of the Project. Any limitations on extension rights that will apply to such reserved capacity that is sold on a limited-term basis that would otherwise be eligible for a right of first refusal will be indicated on ANR's Internet site under Informational Postings listing Unsubscribed Capacity. If there are any material changes in the scope of the Project, ANR will update this posting accordingly.

The following volumes have been sold on a limited-term basis that would otherwise be eligible for a right of first refusal:

during the period of November 1 - March 31, annually:
14,500 Dth/day

12,000 Dth/day

during the period of April 1 - October 31 annually:
14,500 Dth/day

12,000 Dth/day

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Other
Posting Date/Time: 04/04/2024 16:15
Notice Effective Date/Time: 04/04/2024 16:15
Notice End Date/Time: 09/01/2024 08:59
Notice ID: 11730
Notice Status Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:  
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
In accordance with Article VI.A.2. of the Stipulation and Agreement of Settlement filed in Docket No. RP22-501-000 on December 14, 2022 and approved by the Commission on April 11, 2023 (the Settlement Agreement), ANR hereby notifies all Settling Parties that as of April 1, 2024 ANR has placed into service the Jena and Delhi compressor station unit replacements and therefore will later this year move to place into effect its Period 2 Settlement Rates effective August 1, 2024.

By this notification, ANR hereby satisfies the written Jena/Delhi Notice requirement as stated in Article VI.A.2. of the Settlement Agreement.

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Emergency Deviations
Posting Date/Time: 03/08/2007 08:00
Notice Effective Date/Time: 03/08/2007 08:00
Notice End Date/Time: 12/31/2049 08:59
Notice ID: 3526
Notice Status Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:  
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:

ANR Pipeline Co. is not engaged in transportation transactions with any
marketing affiliate (as defined by Section 358.3(k) of the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R 358.3(k)), and therefore
is not required to observe the Standards of Conduct at this time. See
Order No. 690, 118 F.E.R.C. 61,012, P.26 (2007).

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Information Disclosures
Posting Date/Time: 03/08/2007 08:00
Notice Effective Date/Time: 03/08/2007 08:00
Notice End Date/Time: 12/31/2049 08:59
Notice ID: 3527
Notice Status Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:  
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:

ANR Pipeline Co. is not engaged in transportation transactions with any
marketing affiliate (as defined by section 358.3(k) of the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission's regulations (18 C.F.R 358.3(k)), and therefore
is not required to observe the Standards of Conduct at this time. See
Order No. 690, 118 F.E.R.C. 61,012, P.26 (2007).

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Cash Out
Posting Date/Time: 08/09/2024 16:00
Notice Effective Date/Time: 08/09/2024 16:00
Notice End Date/Time: 09/09/2024 23:59
Notice ID: 11947
Notice Status Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:  
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
To: All ANR Pipeline Customers

Re: Cashout Prices July 2024 - FINAL:

The cashout prices to be used for invoicing and payment will be the Weekly Average High or the Weekly Average Low prices adjusted for any applicable surcharge.

Effective June 1, 2024, a cashout surcharge of $0.3894 is applicable.

Spot Index Average (per Dth)

Week 1: $2.0925
Week 2: $2.1770 (High)
Week 3: $1.8890
Week 4: $1.8980
Week 5: $1.8585 (Low)
ANR Buys: $1.4691
ANR Sells: $2.5664

Week 1: $1.5320 (Low)
Week 2: $1.7615 (High)
Week 3: $1.6095
Week 4: $1.6715
Week 5: $1.6515
ANR Buys: $1.1426
ANR Sells: $2.1509

Week 1: $0.7738 (Low)
Week 2: $0.8841
Week 3: $1.0423 (High)
Week 4: $0.9677
Week 5: $0.8322
ANR Buys: $0.3844
ANR Sells: $1.4317

Week 1: $1.8863
Week 2: $2.0241(High)
Week 3: $1.7861
Week 4: $1.8146
Week 5: $1.7824 (Low)
ANR Buys: $1.3930
ANR Sells: $2.4135

Previously Posted Cashout Prices:

Cashout Prices June 2024 Week 4 - Final
Weekly Average High / Low (per Dth)
Buy: $1.8351
Sell: $2.9089
Buy: $1.1141
Sell: $2.4209
Buy: 0.3708
Sell: $1.4100
Buy: $1.5698
Sell: $2.6879

Cashout Prices May 2024 Week 5 - Final
Weekly Average High / Low (per Dth)
Buy: $1.6690
Sell: $2.3980
Buy: $1.3600
Sell: $1.6380
Buy: $1.1052
Sell: $1.2866
Buy: $1.5516
Sell: $2.0604

Cashout Prices April 2024 Week 4 - Final
Weekly Average High / Low (per Dth)
Buy: $1.4600
Sell: $1.6770
Buy: $1.2015
Sell: $1.4360
Buy: $1.0659
Sell: $1.4730
Buy: $1.3618
Sell: $1.5854

Cashout Prices March 2024 Week 4 - Final
Weekly Average High / Low (per Dth)
Buy: $1.3045
Sell: $1.5505
Buy: $1.2545
Sell: $1.4420
Buy: $1.4490
Sell: $1.6267
Buy: $1.2855
Sell: $1.5093

Cashout Prices February 2024 Week 4 - Final
Weekly Average High / Low (per Dth)
Buy: $1.5080
Sell: $1.8625
Buy: $1.2965
Sell: $1.6805
Buy: $1.5210
Sell: $1.7318
Buy: $1.4277
Sell: $1.7934

Cashout Prices January 2024 Week 5 - Final
Weekly Average High / Low (per Dth)
Buy: $2.0880
Sell: $7.3235
Buy: $1.7545
Sell: $10.9715
Buy: $1.7913
Sell: $7.4412
Buy: $1.9613
Sell: $8.7098

Cashout Prices December 2023 Week 4 - Final
Weekly Average High / Low (per Dth)
Buy: $2.3655
Sell: $2.5935
Buy: $1.8495
Sell: $2.2100
Buy: $1.6843
Sell: $2.0123
Buy: $2.2203
Sell: $2.4478

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Cust Srvc
Posting Date/Time: 08/29/2024 13:55
Notice Effective Date/Time: 08/29/2024 13:55
Notice End Date/Time: 12/31/2049 23:59
Notice ID: 11982
Notice Status Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 11968
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
ANRPL Commercial Services
After Hours & Weekend On-Call Contacts for



Benny Goodwin: (832)707-7798
Devan Mody: (346)516-9313

Benny Goodwin: (832)707-7798
Devan Mody: (346)516-9313

Benny Goodwin: (832)707-7798
Devan Mody: (346)516-9313

Silvia Venegas: (281)254-5380
Donna McWhorter: (281)714-7082


ANR: 800-827-5267
GLGT: 866-454-7572


Zach Willborn: (713) 816-5234


Adam Lakhani: (832) 776-7666
Lauren Gindratt: (713) 552-3623


Chad Grayson: (832) 320-5291

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: TSP Cap Offer
Posting Date/Time: 08/28/2024 09:46
Notice Effective Date/Time: 08/28/2024 09:46
Notice End Date/Time: 09/17/2024 10:30
Notice ID: 11979
Notice Status Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:  
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
DATE: August 28, 2024 TIME: 9:30 AM CT



ANR Pipeline Company ("ANR") is initiating an open season in accordance with Part 6.2.10 (i) of the General Terms and Conditions ("GT&C") of its FERC Gas Tariff, Third Revised Volume No. 1, as amended from time to time ("Tariff") for the following package of firm transportation.

Open Season Terms:
Term: For the minimum period of November 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025, or any other term as may be available
Rate Schedule: FTS-1
Transportation Path: SW Headstation to Deliveries in Wisconsin identified below
MDQ: up to 39,179 Dth/d

Primary Receipt Points:
Meter #103702 - SW Headstation

Primary Delivery Points:
Subject to available meter, mainline and lateral capacity, the following delivery points will be considered:
Meter#28842 - Milwaukee (ML7)
Meter#384136 - Hartford East (ML7)
Meter#384134 - Tiffany East (ML7) - Limited to 10,000 Dth
Meter#28661 - Green Bay (ML7)
Meter#28702 - Fond du Lac (ML7) - Limited to 23,000 Dth
Meter#387791 - Kaukuana (ML7)
Meter#183670 - Hampshire Int. (ML7)
Meter#138675 - Shorewood Interconnect (ML7)
Meter#360907 - Sharp Road Delivery (ML7)

Minimum Acceptable Bids
ANR reserves the right to reject any bid for less than the applicable maximum ANR Tariff recourse rate.
A contractual Right of First Refusal (ROFR) will not be available as outlined in Part 6.22 of the GT&C of ANR's Tariff.

Other Terms and Conditions
ANR is holding this open season in accordance with Part 6.2.10 (i) of the GT&C of its Tariff, commencing Wednesday August 28, 2024 at 9:30 am CT, and ending Tuesday September 17, 2024 at 10:30 am CT. Winning bidders will be notified no later than Wednesday September 18, 2024 at 4:00 pm CT. ANR will post notice of the winning bid(s), the identity of the bidder(s), and the NPV analysis used to determine such winning bidder(s) on its internet website no later than Wednesday September 18, 2024 at 4:00 pm CT.

Pursuant to ANR's Tariff, all requests for service for the capacity posted in this open season will be treated under this open season. All bids submitted during the open season may be withdrawn and/or replaced with an equal or higher rate bid during the open season period. Bids cannot be replaced with lower rate bids.
This open season is for the capacity available for the receipt and delivery point combination/path(s) specified above. As such, ANR reserves the right to reject any bid that does not specify the point(s)/path(s) posted above. ANR reserves the right to reject any bid with a term outside of the posted terms of this open season. ANR reserves the right to reject any bid with deviations in monthly MDQs. ANR reserves the right to reject bids that are less than ANR's maximum applicable Tariff recourse rate, and ANR reserves the right to reject discounted bids and negotiated rate bids. ANR reserves the right to reject any bid for rate schedules other than Rate Schedule FTS-1. ANR reserves the right to reject any bid that is incomplete, contains modifications to the terms of the bid form(s), or conflicts with ANR's Tariff or the terms of this open season. Available capacity volumes are contingent upon mainline, meter and lateral capacity. ANR has the right to award capacity to a mutually agreed-upon alternate receipt or delivery point if capacity is unavailable at the meter(s) specified in the bid. ANR reserves the right to clarify bids. This open season is subject to ANR's Tariff and to all applicable laws, orders, rules, and regulations of authorities having jurisdiction.

Bid Evaluation
ANR will utilize the following bid evaluation methodology for each valid bid submitted in response to this notice of open season. Upon completion of this open season, all remaining bids will be considered binding until a successful bid(s) has been awarded. All final bids received during the open season will be evaluated on a net present value ("NPV") per unit of dekatherm ("Dth") basis using the factors below.

NPV= En [R*(1 / (1+i)^n)]/Dth
En = Summation of months 1 through n (Sigma)
n = Term in months
Dth = Quantity bid
R = Incremental monthly revenue of all services/paths in bid
i = Monthly Discount Factor (current FERC quarterly rate, which can be found at:

Any award of capacity is subject to the requirements for service to commence as set forth in ANR's Tariff, including satisfaction of ANR's creditworthiness requirements. ANR reserves the right to reject any bid that exceeds the bidder's qualified level of creditworthiness. Potential bidders are encouraged to contact the credit analyst listed below prior to bid submittal to determine whether sufficient credit has been established for their bid. In the event there is more than one best bid and requests for service exceed available capacity offered in this open season, capacity will be allocated on a pro rata basis. If the best bid or bids are not awarded the entire volume of MDQ offered in the open season, the remaining capacity will be awarded to the remaining unrejected bid(s) that meet the conditions of this open season and provide the next highest NPV/Dth. This process will be repeated until either there are no more unrejected bids or the entire volume of MDQ has been awarded. If any or all the above available capacity remains unsold after this bid period, this posting also serves as notice that such capacity will continue to be awarded on a first-come first-served basis upon receipt of a bid that ANR deems acceptable. Parties interested in this capacity may, but shall not be required to, specify a minimum acceptable prorated MDQ volume to apply in the event of allocation.

Parties interested in this capacity should submit a binding bid via email by sending the attached bid form(s) to Bids must indicate the requested service commencement date, service end date, transportation quantity MDQ in Dth per day, minimum acceptable prorated MDQ volume, transportation path, and bid rate. For further information please contact your designated Account Manager or one of the following Account Managers:

Adam Lakhani 832-320-5559
Erik Anderson 832-320-5606
Lauren Gindratt 832-320-6978

Questions concerning creditworthiness may be directed to the following credit analyst(s):
Usman Khan 281-889-5418
Jennifer Beasley 832-320-5150

Binding Bid Form
Firm Transportation Service
Open Season #328

Company Name:


Service Commencement Date Requested:

Service End Date Requested:

Transportation Quantity MDQ (Dth/d):

Minimum Acceptable Prorated MDQ Volume:

Primary Receipt Point Name:

Primary Receipt Location ID Number:

Primary Delivery Point Name:

Primary Delivery Location ID:

Rate Schedule Requested: FTS-1
Rate election:

Comments, notes, or other information pertaining to this bid:




TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Other
Posting Date/Time: 02/02/2024 17:01
Notice Effective Date/Time: 02/02/2024 17:01
Notice End Date/Time: 11/01/2027 08:59
Notice ID: 11648
Notice Status Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 11537
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
UPDATE to the Wisconsin Expansion Project Reservation of Capacity Posting (Notice ID 11537), posted on November 15, 2023, for the Wisconsin Expansion Project.

Pursuant to Section 6.3.3 of the General Terms and Conditions of its FERC Gas Tariff, Third Revised Volume No. 1, as amended from time to time ("Tariff"), ANR Pipeline Company ("ANR") gives notice that it has elected to reserve available, unsubscribed capacity, as more fully described below, for use in a future expansion project on the ANR pipeline system.

The Wisconsin Expansion Project* (the "Project") is being designed to modify and/or upgrade certain compressor station facilities, certain mainline piping segments, and other appurtenant facilities located within ANR's ML-3, ML-6 and ML-7 zones ("Project Area"). The Project seeks to provide incremental firm capacity for the transport of natural gas volumes from certain receipt points in the Project Area to certain delivery points in the state of Wisconsin. The anticipated in-service date of the Project is November 1, 2027.

As a result, ANR is reserving transportation capacity for the Project as more fully described below for the following locations and segments (collectively, the capacity described below the "Reserved Capacity")

starting April 1, 2027, during the period of April 1 - October 31 annually:

34,400 Dth/day

34,400 Dth/d

50,300 Dth/day

starting November 1, 2027, during the period of November 1 - March 31 annually:

64,000 Dth/day

starting November 1, 2027, during the period of November 1 - October 31, annually:

29,000 Dth/day

194,900 Dth/day

92,000 Dth/day

62,000 Dth/day

The Reserved Capacity and scope of the Project may change based upon continued negotiations with potential shippers and the results of any potential, subsequent open season. As of the date of this posting, the following volumes have been sold on a limited-term (interim) basis that would otherwise be eligible for a right of first refusal:

ALLIANCE TO SANDWICH (Loc ID 505674) - 3,600 Dth/day for a term of 4/1/2023 to 3/31/2025
ALLIANCE TO BRIDGMAN (Loc ID 505661) - 16,000 Dth/day for a term of 11/1/2023 to 10/31/2024

Subject to its availability, ANR will be making this capacity available for sale on a limited term basis starting from the date of this posting to the in-service date of the Project. Any limitations on extension rights that will apply to such reserved capacity that is sold on a limited-term basis that would otherwise be eligible for a right of first refusal will be indicated on ANR's Internet site under Informational Postings listing Unsubscribed Capacity. If there are any material changes in the scope of the Project, ANR will update this posting accordingly. ANR anticipates commencing an open season for the Project during Q1 2024.

* The expansion project referenced in this posting is distinct from the project referenced in Notice IDs 10203, 10281, 10687, 10705, and 10980

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Other
Posting Date/Time: 02/02/2024 17:01
Notice Effective Date/Time: 02/02/2024 17:01
Notice End Date/Time: 10/04/2024 15:30
Notice ID: 11649
Notice Status Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 11477
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
UPDATE to the Southwest Central Area Project Reservation of Capacity Posting (Notice ID 11477), posted on October 4, 2023, for the Southwest Central Area Project.

Pursuant to Section 6.3.3 of the General Terms and Conditions of its FERC Gas Tariff, Third Revised Volume No. 1, as amended from time to time ("Tariff"), ANR Pipeline Company ("ANR") gives notice that it has elected to reserve available, unsubscribed capacity, as more fully described below, for use in a future expansion project on the ANR pipeline system.

The Southwest Central Area Project (the "Project") is being designed to add compressor station facilities, and other appurtenant facilities located within ANR's ML-6 zone. The project will include pipeline segments in ANR's ML-4 through ML-7 zones ("Project Area"). The Project seeks to provide firm capacity for the transport of natural gas volumes from certain receipt points in the Project Area to certain delivery points in the state of Iowa. The anticipated in-service date of the Project is November 1, 2027.

As a result, ANR is reserving transportation capacity for the Project as more fully described below for the following locations and segments (collectively, the capacity described below the "Reserved Capacity"):

starting November 1, 2027, during the period of November 1 - March 31 annually:

8,600 Dth/day

14,900 Dth/day

starting April 1, 2028, during the period of April 1 - October 31 annually:

21,100 Dth/day

The Reserved Capacity and scope of the Project may change based upon continued negotiations with potential shippers and the results of any potential, subsequent open season. As of the date of this posting, none of the Reserved Capacity has been sold on a limited-term (interim) basis that would otherwise be eligible for a right of first refusal.

Subject to its availability, ANR will be making this capacity available for sale on a limited term basis starting from the date of this posting to the in-service date of the Project. Any limitations on extension rights that will apply to such reserved capacity that is sold on a limited-term basis that would otherwise be eligible for a right of first refusal will be indicated on ANR's Internet site under Informational Postings listing Unsubscribed Capacity. If there are any material changes in the scope of the Project, ANR will update this posting accordingly. ANR anticipates commencing an open season for the Project by Q3 2024.