Critical Notice

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Plnd Outage
Posting Date/Time: 08/23/2024 11:25
Notice Effective Date/Time: 09/24/2024 09:00
Notice End Date/Time: 09/29/2024 08:59
Notice ID: 11972
Notice Status Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 11971
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
CAPACITY REDUCTION Southeast Mainline - Defiance Southbound and Shelbyville Southbound (Posted: 8/23/24)

ANR has planned pipeline maintenance on the Southeast Mainline. ANR anticipates this posting may result in Firm Primary, Firm Secondary and Interruptible curtailments. As a result, capacity will be reduced as follows:

9/24 - 9/28 Defiance Southbound (LOC #226637): 220 MMcf/d (leaving 669 MMcf/d)

Estimated impact to Firm Primary as follows:
0% - Based on the Current Net Shipper Nominations
30% - Based on the Current Contracted MDQ

9/24 - 9/28 Shelbyville Southbound (LOC #9505527): 375 MMcf/d (leaving 666 MMcf/d)

Estimated impact to Firm Primary as follows:
0% - Based on the Current Net Shipper Nominations
34% - Based on the Current Contracted MDQ

Any reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 6.36 of ANR's FERC Gas Tariff ("Tariff"). However, ANR will only issue RCCs if ANR is unable to schedule and deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the outage. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day Non-Force Majeure Average Usage Quantity, as defined in Section 6.36.2 of ANR's Tariff, less any scheduled quantities on the contract. By means of this notice, ANR is establishing which specific Gas Days will be included when determining a shipper's 7-day Non-Force Majeure Average Usage Quantity pursuant to Section 6.36.2(b) of the Tariff.

Please direct any questions to your Account Coordinator, Customer Service Representative, or the Nominations and Scheduling hotline @ 800-827-5267

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Maint
Posting Date/Time: 06/10/2024 14:15
Notice Effective Date/Time: 06/10/2024 14:15
Notice End Date/Time: 01/01/2025 08:59
Notice ID: 11841
Notice Status Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 11526
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
Updated: CAPACITY REDUCTION Southeast Area (Updated 6/10/24)

Since the last posting, ANR has extended the outage end date for all six locations to 12/31/24 (previously 6/30/24) due to unplanned maintenance in the Southeast Area.

ANR will continue to shut-in (leaving 0-MMcf/d available) the following locations:

Grand Chenier/LRC (LOC #7695)
Henry Estates Int (LOC #199331)
Henry Estates (Buyback) (LOC #314210)
Hogs Bayou No. 2 (LOC #22040)
Kings Bayou No. 2 (LOC #150708)
Stingray Int (LOC #135819)

ANR anticipates this posting may result in Firm Secondary and Interruptible curtailments.

Please direct any questions to your Account Coordinator, Customer Service Representative, or the Nominations and Scheduling hotline @ 800-827-5267

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Plnd Outage
Posting Date/Time: 08/23/2024 10:50
Notice Effective Date/Time: 09/09/2024 09:00
Notice End Date/Time: 09/20/2024 08:59
Notice ID: 11970
Notice Status Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:  
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
CAPACITY REDUCTION at Michigan Leg South - St. John Eastbound (Posted: 8/23/24)

ANR has planned pipeline maintenance in the Michigan Leg South area. As a result, capacity will be reduced as follows:

9/9 - 9/14 St. John Eastbound (LOC #226633): 539 MMcf/d (leaving 786 MMcf/d)

ANR anticipates this posting may result in Firm Primary, Firm Secondary and Interruptible curtailments. Estimated impact to Firm Primary as follows:

0% - Based on the Current Net Shipper Nominations
11% - Based on the Current Contracted MDQ

Any reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 6.36 of ANR's FERC Gas Tariff ("Tariff"). However, ANR will only issue RCCs if ANR is unable to schedule and deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the outage. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day Non-Force Majeure Average Usage Quantity, as defined in Section 6.36.2 of ANR's Tariff, less any scheduled quantities on the contract. By means of this notice, ANR is establishing which specific Gas Days will be included when determining a shipper's 7-day Non-Force Majeure Average Usage Quantity pursuant to Section 6.36.2(b) of the Tariff.

Please direct any questions to your Account Coordinator, Customer Service Representative, or the Nominations and Scheduling hotline @ 800-827-5267

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Cust Srvc
Posting Date/Time: 08/05/2024 11:10
Notice Effective Date/Time: 08/05/2024 11:10
Notice End Date/Time: 09/01/2024 08:59
Notice ID: 11941
Notice Status Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:  
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
Assessment of Extreme Condition 7/29/24 - 7/31/24 and Extreme Condition Penalty Waiver

Recent extreme weather conditions led ANR Pipeline (ANR) to declare an Extreme Condition Situation (Extreme Condition) as defined in the General Terms and Conditions (GT&C) §6.1 of ANR's FERC Gas Tariff (Tariff) starting July 29, 2024, and lasting through July 31, 2024. The Extreme Condition was applicable in ANR's ML2, ML3, and ML7 zones. In accordance with ANR's Tariff, the Swing Percentage (as defined in ANR's Tariff GT&C §6.1) was lowered from 10% to 5% in those zones during the Extreme Condition.

As part of the Extreme Condition posting, ANR shippers were directed to ensure adequate supply was nominated and simultaneously flowing and maintain a uniform hourly flow unless contractually allowed to use an alternate hourly flow.

ANR carefully monitors and assesses shipper activities during Extreme Condition periods and is pleased to report that shipper compliance strongly contributed to our success in preserving system integrity and meeting scheduled delivery commitments during this Extreme Condition period. We are, as always, grateful for your spirit of teamwork and cooperation.

Accordingly, ANR is waiving its higher Extreme Condition Daily Scheduling Penalties and Unauthorized Overrun Service penalties pursuant to Section 6.18.13 of its Tariff. Extreme Condition penalty rates would have been "the greater of ten dollars ($10.00) or two (2) times the Spot Price Index for the Service Month" as described in ANR's Tariff under applicable rate schedules, subject to allocation rules set in place at each delivery location. This waiver is not an indication of future waivers. Each Extreme Condition will be evaluated independently.

All penalty waivers are posted at, Informational Postings, Other, Penalty Waiver Log.

To clarify, non-critical penalties will apply for the time period above as they do every day across the ANR system. Details on non-critical penalty rates can be found under applicable rate schedules in ANR's Tariff. Please refer to your preliminary invoices or reach out to your ANR Customer Service Representative or Account Coordinator with questions about your specific penalty exposure.

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Maint
Posting Date/Time: 08/28/2024 10:14
Notice Effective Date/Time: 08/28/2024 10:14
Notice End Date/Time: 09/30/2024 08:59
Notice ID: 11980
Notice Status Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 11884
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
UPDATED: CAPACITY REDUCTION Southeast Mainline -Greenville TGP Receipt (Updated: 8/28/24)

ANR is extending the capacity reduction due to incompatible pressure at the Greenville TGP Receipt location (LOC #305431). As a result, capacity will be reduced as follows:

8/28 - 9/30 Greenville TGP Receipt (LOC #305431): Firm Primary Only

ANR anticipates this posting may result in Firm Secondary and Interruptible curtailments.

Please direct any questions to your Account Coordinator, Customer Service Representative, or the Nominations and Scheduling hotline @ 800-827-5267

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Other
Posting Date/Time: 07/01/2024 08:13
Notice Effective Date/Time: 07/01/2024 08:13
Notice End Date/Time: 10/31/2049 23:59
Notice ID: 11888
Notice Status Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 11887
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
Effective gas day July 1, 2024 for ID1 cycle, the available capacity at Muttonville Lateral (Loc ID 364926) will be 75,000 Dth for shipper nominations until further notice.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the ANR Nominations & Scheduling team at 1-800-827-5267.

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Plnd Outage
Posting Date/Time: 08/06/2024 14:20
Notice Effective Date/Time: 08/14/2024 09:00
Notice End Date/Time: 09/02/2024 08:59
Notice ID: 11942
Notice Status Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:  
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
ANR has planned pipeline maintenance on the Southwest Mainline. ANR anticipates this posting may result in Firm Primary, Firm Secondary and Interruptible curtailments. As a result, capacity will be reduced as follows:

8/14 - 8/18 Southwest Mainline Northbound (LOC #226630): 186 MMcf/d (leaving 520 MMcf/d)

Estimated impact to Firm Primary as follows:
0% - Based on the Current Net Shipper Nominations
22% - Based on the Current Contracted MDQ

8/19 - 8/23 Southwest Mainline Northbound (LOC #226630): 256 MMcf/d (leaving 450 MMcf/d)

Estimated impact to Firm Primary as follows:
0% - Based on the Current Net Shipper Nominations
32% - Based on the Current Contracted MDQ

8/24 - 9/1 Southwest Mainline Northbound (LOC #226630): 169 MMcf/d (leaving 537 MMcf/d)

Estimated impact to Firm Primary as follows:
0% - Based on the Current Net Shipper Nominations
19% - Based on the Current Contracted MDQ

Any reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 6.36 of ANR's FERC Gas Tariff ("Tariff"). However, ANR will only issue RCCs if ANR is unable to schedule and deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the outage. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day Non-Force Majeure Average Usage Quantity, as defined in Section 6.36.2 of ANR's Tariff, less any scheduled quantities on the contract. By means of this notice, ANR is establishing which specific Gas Days will be included when determining a shipper's 7-day Non-Force Majeure Average Usage Quantity pursuant to Section 6.36.2(b) of the Tariff.

Please direct any questions to your Account Coordinator, Customer Service Representative, or the Nominations and Scheduling hotline @ 800-827-5267

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Plnd Outage
Posting Date/Time: 08/23/2024 10:40
Notice Effective Date/Time: 09/04/2024 09:00
Notice End Date/Time: 09/05/2024 08:59
Notice ID: 11969
Notice Status Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:  
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
CAPACITY REDUCTION Southeast Mainline - Evangeline Southbound (Posted: 8/23/24)

ANR has planned maintenance at the Turkey Creek compressor station on the Southeast Mainline. As a result, capacity will be reduced as follows:

9/4 Evangeline Southbound (LOC #505591): 120 MMcf/d (leaving 1,187 MMcf/d)

ANR anticipates this posting may result in Firm Primary, Firm Secondary and Interruptible curtailments. Estimated impact to Firm Primary as follows:
0% - Based on the Current Net Shipper Nominations
7% - Based on the Current Contracted MDQ

Any reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 6.36 of ANR's FERC Gas Tariff ("Tariff"). However, ANR will only issue RCCs if ANR is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the outage. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day Non-Force Majeure Average Usage Quantity, as defined in Section 6.36.2 of ANR's Tariff, less any scheduled quantities on the contract. By means of this notice, ANR is establishing which specific Gas Days will be included when determining a shipper's 7-day Non-Force Majeure Average Usage Quantity pursuant to Section 6.36.2(b) of the Tariff.

Please direct any questions to your Account Coordinator, Customer Service Representative, or the Nominations and Scheduling hotline @ 800-827-5267

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Plnd Outage
Posting Date/Time: 08/23/2024 14:10
Notice Effective Date/Time: 08/23/2024 14:10
Notice End Date/Time: 09/24/2024 08:59
Notice ID: 11977
Notice Status Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 11945
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
UPDATED CAPACITY REDUCTION Southeast Mainline - Defiance Southbound (Updated: 8/23/24)

ANR has extended the planned maintenance at the Shelbyville Compressor station on the Southeast Mainline. As a result, capacity will be reduced as follows:

8/13 - 9/23 (previously 8/31) Defiance Southbound (LOC #226637): 50 MMcf/d (leaving 839 MMcf/d)

ANR anticipates this posting may result in Firm Primary, Firm Secondary and Interruptible curtailments.
Estimated impact to Firm Primary as follows:
0% - Based on the Current Net Shipper Nominations
12% - Based on the Current Contracted MDQ

Any reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 6.36 of ANR's FERC Gas Tariff ("Tariff"). However, ANR will only issue RCCs if ANR is unable to schedule and deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the outage. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day Non-Force Majeure Average Usage Quantity, as defined in Section 6.36.2 of ANR's Tariff, less any scheduled quantities on the contract.

Please direct any questions to your Account Coordinator, Customer Service Representative, or the Nominations and Scheduling hotline @ 800-827-5267

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Plnd Outage
Posting Date/Time: 08/23/2024 12:05
Notice Effective Date/Time: 09/26/2024 09:00
Notice End Date/Time: 10/07/2024 08:59
Notice ID: 11975
Notice Status Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:  
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
CAPACITY REDUCTION at Michigan Leg North - Bridgman Northbound (Posted: 8/23/24)

ANR has planned maintenance at the Bridgman compressor station in the Michigan Leg North area. As a result, capacity will be reduced as follows:

9/26 - 10/6 Bridgman Northbound (LOC #226632): 850 MMcf/d (leaving 772 MMcf/d)

ANR anticipates this posting may result in Firm Primary, Firm Secondary and Interruptible curtailments. Estimated impact to Firm Primary as follows:
0% - Based on the Current Net Shipper Nominations
24% - Based on the Current Contracted MDQ

Any reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 6.36 of ANR's FERC Gas Tariff ("Tariff"). However, ANR will only issue RCCs if ANR is unable to schedule and deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the outage. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day Non-Force Majeure Average Usage Quantity, as defined in Section 6.36.2 of ANR's Tariff, less any scheduled quantities on the contract. By means of this notice, ANR is establishing which specific Gas Days will be included when determining a shipper's 7-day Non-Force Majeure Average Usage Quantity pursuant to Section 6.36.2(b) of the Tariff.

Please direct any questions to your Account Coordinator, Customer Service Representative, or the Nominations and Scheduling hotline @ 800-827-5267

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Other
Posting Date/Time: 08/21/2024 11:40
Notice Effective Date/Time: 08/21/2024 11:40
Notice End Date/Time: 10/02/2024 08:59
Notice ID: 11962
Notice Status Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 11904
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
UPDATED: DDS & MBS Posting (UPDATED: 8/21/24)

ANR Pipeline Storage Customers

Since the last posting, ANR Pipeline Company has extended the deadline for interruptible Rate Schedule DDS and MBS storage customers to reduce their remaining storage inventory to zero dekatherms (0 Dth) by October 1, 2024 (previously September 1, 2024).

**Previous Posting**

ANR Pipeline Company ("ANRPL") is requiring Interruptible Rate Schedule DDS and MBS storage customers to reduce their remaining storage inventory volume to zero dekatherms (0 Dth) by August 2, 2024. This posting represents the 45 days' notice period as required by ANRPL's FERC Gas Tariff under Rate Schedule DDS, Section 5.13.2(d), and Rate Schedule MBS, Section All DDS and MBS Customers must complete this reduction and have a remaining storage balance of zero (0) by the end of the gas day August 2, 2024.

ANRPL continues to allow injections into either DDS or MBS during this 45 day period provided that the ending storage balances are at zero (0) by August 2, 2024. Please be advised that daily operating conditions and firm service obligations will determine the daily level of interruptible storage activity allowed.

Additionally, Infield Storage Transfers are not currently restricted however, ANRPL is reminding all ANRPL Storage customers that pursuant to the General Terms and Conditions, Section 6.18.12 of ANRPL's FERC Gas Tariff, Infield Storage Transfer requests may be restricted if the request results in an increase to ANRPL's service obligations. All Infield Storage Transfer Requests will be considered on an individual basis.

ANRPL will monitor storage level inventories and update this restriction as necessary.

Please direct any questions to your Account Coordinator, Customer Service Representative, or the Nominations and Scheduling hotline @ 800-827-5267.

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Constraint
Posting Date/Time: 08/21/2024 12:16
Notice Effective Date/Time: 08/21/2024 12:16
Notice End Date/Time: 11/01/2024 08:59
Notice ID: 11964
Notice Status Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:  
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
CAPACITY REDUCTION Southeast Mainline - Slaughters/TGT Delivery (Posted: 8/21/24)

Effective immediately, ANR is restricting capacity due to incompatible pressures at the Slaughters/TGT Delivery location on the Southeast Mainline. As a result, capacity will be reduced as follows:

8/21 (Intraday) Slaughters/TGT Del (LOC #6470): No Incremental volumes will be scheduled.
8/22 - 10/31 Slaughters/TGT Del (LOC #6470): Shut in

ANR anticipates this posting may result in Firm Secondary and Interruptible curtailments.

Please direct any questions to your Account Coordinator, Customer Service Representative, or the Nominations and Scheduling hotline @ 800-827-5267

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Plnd Outage
Posting Date/Time: 08/29/2024 15:15
Notice Effective Date/Time: 09/03/2024 09:00
Notice End Date/Time: 09/21/2024 08:59
Notice ID: 11985
Notice Status Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:  
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
CAPACITY REDUCTION Southeast Mainline - Cottage Grove Southbound (Posted: 8/29/24)

The notice below was inadvertently removed from the EBB and this new notice serves only to make it visible again. There are no changes to the posting and the 7-day average was established on 8/23 as stated in Notice #11971.

ANR has planned pipeline maintenance on the Southeast Mainline. As a result, capacity will be reduced as follows:

9/3 - 9/20 Cottage Grove Southbound (LOC #505614): 270 MMcf/d (leaving 1,007 MMcf/d)

ANR anticipates this posting may result in Firm Primary, Firm Secondary and Interruptible curtailments. Estimated impact to Firm Primary as follows:
0% - Based on the Current Net Shipper Nominations
14% - Based on the Current Contracted MDQ

Any reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 6.36 of ANR's FERC Gas Tariff ("Tariff"). However, ANR will only issue RCCs if ANR is unable to schedule and deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the outage. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day Non-Force Majeure Average Usage Quantity, as defined in Section 6.36.2 of ANR's Tariff, less any scheduled quantities on the contract.

Please direct any questions to your Account Coordinator, Customer Service Representative, or the Nominations and Scheduling hotline @ 800-827-5267

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Maint
Posting Date/Time: 06/17/2024 12:10
Notice Effective Date/Time: 07/01/2024 09:00
Notice End Date/Time: 10/01/2024 08:59
Notice ID: 11857
Notice Status Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:  
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
ANR may encounter Firm Primary, Firm Secondary and Interruptible curtailments due to maintenance on Great Lakes Gas Transmission Pipeline at Emerson Eastbound; affecting shippers using the lease capacity on GLGT from Emerson to Fortune Lake.

Any reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 6.36 of ANR's FERC Gas Tariff ("Tariff"). However, ANR will only issue RCCs if ANR is unable to schedule and deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the outage. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day Non-Force Majeure Average Usage Quantity, as defined in Section 6.36.2 of ANR's Tariff, less any scheduled quantities on the contract. By means of this notice, ANR is establishing which specific Gas Days will be included when determining a shipper's 7-day Non-Force Majeure Average Usage Quantity pursuant to Section 6.36.2(b) of the Tariff.

Please direct any questions to your Account Coordinator, Customer Service Representative, or the Nominations and Scheduling hotline @ 800-827-5267

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Other
Posting Date/Time: 08/22/2024 08:44
Notice Effective Date/Time: 08/26/2024 09:00
Notice End Date/Time: 12/31/2049 23:59
Notice ID: 11965
Notice Status Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 11890
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
ANRPL Storage Facilities (Loc ID 153808) Available Capacity

Effective gas day August 26, 2024, the Available
Daily Capacity for ANRPL Storage (Loc ID 153808) will be
440,640 dth for Withdrawal and 709,920 dth for Injection
until further notice. This capacity is reflective of general
field and unit availability and is subject to change.

This general posting may be superseded by planned or emergency Maintenance notices.
Please review all applicable storage notices when making business decisions.

If you have any questions about this posting or need assistance, please
contact the ANR Nominations & Scheduling team at 1-800-827-5267

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Force Maj
Posting Date/Time: 08/29/2024 07:10
Notice Effective Date/Time: 08/29/2024 07:10
Notice End Date/Time: 09/17/2024 08:59
Notice ID: 11981
Notice Status Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 11976
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Notice Text:
UPDATED: NOTICE OF FORCE MAJEURE ANR Pipeline Company - Southwest Mainline Northbound (Updated: 8/28/24)

Since the last posting, ANR has extended the Force Majeure through 9/16 (previously 9/2).

*Previous Posting*

This is to notify all contracted parties of ANR Pipeline Company ("ANR") that pursuant to Section 6.7 of ANR's FERC Gas Tariff, ANR has declared a Force Majeure event in effect for natural gas transactions on the Southwest Mainline due to an anomaly discovered during a recent in-line inspection of the pipeline which requires an unexpected, uncontrollable, and immediate pressure reduction on the 0-100 line MLV 19-20 and 21-22. Effective immediately, capacity will be reduced as follows:

8/24 - 9/2: SWML Northbound (LOC #226630): 206 MMcf/d (leaving 500 MMcf/d)

ANR anticipates this posting may result in Firm Primary, Firm Secondary and Interruptible curtailments. Estimated impact to Firm Primary as follows:

0% - Based on the Current Net Shipper Nominations
25% - Based on the Current Contracted MDQ

Any reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 6.36 of ANR's FERC Gas Tariff ("Tariff"). However, ANR will only issue RCCs if ANR is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the outage. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day Force Majeure Average Usage Quantity, as defined in Section 6.36.2(a) of ANR's Tariff, less any scheduled quantities on the contract.

Please direct any questions to your Account Coordinator, Customer Service Representative, or the Nominations and Scheduling hotline @ 800-827-5267