Critical Notice

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Cash Out
Posting Date/Time: 02/25/2016 08:40
Notice Effective Date/Time: 02/25/2016 08:40
Notice End Date/Time: 02/25/2016 10:00
Notice ID: 7697
Notice Status Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:  
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Subject: Notification of Gas Purchase and Request for Offers
Notice Text:
Notification of Gas Purchase and Request for Offers

ANR Pipeline Company ("ANR") will accept offers from qualified parties for packages of gas that ANR intends to purchase for operational use. The purchase of the gas will be made according to the terms and conditions of a gas purchase contract prepared by ANR (NAESB Form) and executed by ANR and the successful bidder(s). Parties interested in selling gas to ANR must have executed a NAESB Form with ANR before an offer is made. ANR reserves the right to reject offers that contain special credit terms.

Currently, ANR is interested in purchasing 3,711-Dth, commencing
March 1, 2016 or later and ending on March 31, 2016. Delivery and title transfer of the gas will occur at ANR Pipeline Storage (via infield transfer only) on a firm basis. Other mutually agreed upon points may be considered on an interruptible basis. Acceptable offers must be quoted based on a fixed cost/Dth or a basis relative to Henry Hub and submitted on the attached OFFER FORM. ANR will evaluate the offers and shall award such purchase to the party or combination of parties with the lowest cost to ANR calculated on a per Dth basis; provided, however, that ANR determines the receipt point(s) to be operationally acceptable. Winning bidder agrees to deliver entire volume within the month. If operational constraints occur during the month, ANR and the winning bidder agree to receive/deliver the agreed upon volume at a mutually agreeable location to fulfill the obligation. ANR reserves the right to withdraw its request for offers. ANR further reserves the right to reject, at its sole discretion, any offers which are not complete, which contain modifications to the terms of this posting or which contain terms or points that are operationally unacceptable.

Interested parties should complete the attached "Purchase of Operational Gas Offer Form" and return it via e-mail to no later than 10:00 AM CST on February 25, 2016. Any questions regarding this posting should be directed at the parties listed below.

Contact Name: Erik Anderson 832-320-5606
Adam Lakhani 832-320-5559
Lonnie Lozano 832-320-5679


Fax: (832) 320-5677

Company Name/Address: ____________________________________

Representative (Name): ____________________________________
Title: ____________________________________

Telephone & Fax No's: ____________________________________

ANR Receipt Point: ____________________________________

Tendered Dth/day: ____________________________________

Effective Start Date: ____________________________________

Effective End Date: ____________________________________

Price/Dth: ____________________________________