Critical Notice

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Message
Posting Date/Time: 01/26/2016 11:00
Notice Effective Date/Time: 01/26/2016 11:00
Notice End Date/Time: 02/01/2016 08:59
Notice ID: 7672
Notice Status Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:  
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Subject: Attn: ANR Shippers & EBB Users
Notice Text:
Attn: ANR Shippers & EBB Users

Due to technical issues, Operationally Available Capacity volumes were corrected for ANRPL Storage Facilities, Location ID - 153808, Description - Storage Area for the following Gas Days:

1/7/2016: Cycles 17I, 17N, 21I, 5N
1/8/2016 - 1/10/2016: All Cycles
1/11/2016: Cycles 9S, 9I, 9N
1/12/2016: Cycles 17N, 21I, 5N

Please review the Operationally Available Capacity information in GEMS under Informational Postings, then Historically Operationally Available or on the ANRPL Information Postings website under Capacity, then Historical Oper. Available.

Note, the Operationally Available Capacity volume corrections have no impact to the volumes previously reported to EIA.

Please contact the ANR Noms & Scheduling hotline with any questions at 1-800-827-5267