Critical Notice

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Imbal Trade
Posting Date/Time: 01/13/2016 14:00
Notice Effective Date/Time: 01/13/2016 14:00
Notice End Date/Time: 01/28/2016 23:59
Notice ID: 7660
Notice Status Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:  
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Subject: Imbalance Trade Windows Open on January 14, 2016 - See Notice ID # 7660.
Notice Text:
To All Customers of ANR Pipeline Company:

Imbalance Trading
December 2015

The Imbalance Trading windows available on GEMS will open on January 14, 2016 at 12:01 am CST. All trades must be completed by January 27, 2016 at 11:59 pm CST. Any imbalance remaining after the close of the trade windows will be cashed out pursuant to Section 6.15 of ANR Pipeline Company's Gas Tariff.

Shippers or their agents will be allowed to trade transportation imbalance volumes within the same operational impact areas for the service month of December 2015 and any prior period adjustment volumes for previous service months processed during the December 2015 service month.

If you have any questions concerning Imbalance Trading or need assistance in implementing a trade, please contact Lonnie Dusang at 832.320.5241 or Ronnie Faulkner at 832.320.5343.