Critical Notice

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Computer Stat
Posting Date/Time: 12/21/2015 15:35
Notice Effective Date/Time: 12/21/2015 15:35
Notice End Date/Time: 12/23/2015 08:59
Notice ID: 7644
Notice Status Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:  
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Subject: To All ANR GEMS Users:
Notice Text:
Notice of Scheduled ANR GEMS Downtime -- A scheduled system outage will occur on Monday, December 21, 2015. The outage will facilitate system upgrades and routine maintenance. These outages will start at 10:00 P.M and last until 2:00 A.M Central Standard Time.