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DATE: December 18, 2015 TIME: 3:00 PM CST
ANR Pipeline Company ("ANR") is initiating an open season for the following firm capacity:
ML7 to ML3 Capacity For availability beginning April 1, 2016, ANR has 21,930 Dth/d of firm primary capacity from the following Receipt and Delivery areas:
Primary Receipt Point: Various ML7 primary receipt options are available on this path, including the following:
#243097 ANR Joliet Hub (specific Joliet Hub receipt points also available) #153808 ANRPL Storage #48644 Farwell (Great Lakes Gas Transmission)
ANR will also consider #38224 Defiance (Panhandle) in the ML3 zone as a primary receipt point.
Primary Delivery Point: Subject to available meter capacity, delivery points are available in the ML3 zone, provided they are located north of our REX Shelbyville meter station. This includes all points between the Shelbyville and Defiance compressor stations as well as points on the Lebanon Lateral.
Minimum Acceptable Bids The minimum acceptable bid term is April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017. Shippers may bid a longer term, but only in one year increments.
The minimum acceptable reservation rate for this offer is ANR's maximum tariff rate. ANR reserves the right to reject bids that are less than tariff rate.
Other Terms and Conditions ANR will be holding this open season in accordance with Part 6.2.10 (i) of the General Terms and Conditions of its FERC Gas Tariff, commencing Friday, December 18, 2015 at 3:00 PM CST, and ending Friday, January 15, 2016 at 10:00 AM CST. Winning bidders will be notified on January 15, 2016.
Pursuant to ANR's tariff, all requests for service for the capacity available above will be treated under this open season. All bids submitted during the open season may be withdrawn and/or replaced with an equal or higher rate bid during the open season period. Bids cannot be replaced with lower rate bids.
This open season is for the capacity available for the receipt and delivery point combination/path(s) specified above. As such, ANR reserves the right to reject any bid that does not specify the path(s) posted above. ANR reserves the right to reject discounted bids. ANR reserves the right to reject bids for rate schedules other than FTS-1. ANR reserves the right to reject negotiated rate bids. ANR reserves the right to reject bids with deviations in monthly MDQ's. ANR reserves the right to reject any request that is incomplete, contains modifications to the terms bid form(s), or conflicts with ANR's FERC Gas Tariff. Available capacity volumes are contingent upon mainline, meter and lateral capacity. ANR has the right to award capacity to a mutually agreed-upon alternate receipt or delivery point if capacity is unavailable at the meter(s) specified in the bid. This open season is subject to ANR's FERC Gas Tariff and to all applicable laws, orders, rules, and regulations of authorities having jurisdiction.
All final bids received during the open season will be evaluated based on highest NPV. In the event of a tie, capacity will be awarded pro rata. Bidders may specify an acceptable minimum pro-rated MDQ.
Upon completion of this open season, all remaining bids will be considered binding until a successful bid(s) has been awarded.
Parties interested in this capacity should submit a binding bid via email by sending their requests to For further information please contact your designated Account Manager or one of the Account Managers listed below.
Erik Anderson 248-231-0564 Bruce Hopper 262-792-5403 Adam Lakhani 832-320-5559 Lonnie Lozano 832-320-5679 Stuart McCausland 832-320-5568 Gary Skarb 248-205-4536 Colin Strom 402-492-7419 Amy Sowa 832-320-5374
Binding Bid Form Firm Transportation Service Company Name:
DUNS: Service Commencement Date Requested: April 1, 2016
Service End Date Requested (must bid in annual increments):
Transportation Quantity MDQ (Dth/d):
Primary Receipt Point Name:
Primary Receipt Location ID Number:
Primary Delivery Point Name:
Primary Delivery Location ID:
Rate Schedule Requested: FTS-1
Rate election: Maximum Tariff Rate
Minimum Acceptable Prorated MDQ Volume: _________________________
Signed: By: Title: