Critical Notice

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Other
Posting Date/Time: 11/20/2015 15:40
Notice Effective Date/Time: 11/20/2015 15:40
Notice End Date/Time: 11/20/2016 23:59
Notice ID: 7608
Notice Status Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 7607
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Subject: Wisconsin South Expansion Project Reservation of Capacity Posting
Notice Text:
November 20, 2015
Reservation of Capacity Posting

to Section 6.3.3 of the General Terms and Conditions of its FERC
Gas Tariff, ANR Pipeline Company (ANR) gives notice that
Unsubscribed Capacity, as more fully described below, will be
reserved for use in future expansion of ANR's pipeline system.
The Wisconsin South Expansion Project (the "Project") proposes
to expand ANR's pipeline system within the states of Illinois
and Wisconsin to provide additional firm transportation services
using proposed and existing ANR facilities. The proposed
in-service date is November 1, 2018. ANR held a non-binding
open season for a Wisconsin 2017/2018 Expansion Project (renamed
the "Wisconsin South" Expansion Project) from June 24, 2014
through August 5, 2014.

ANR is reserving annual
transportation capacity as more fully described below for the
following segments:

192,167 Dth/day for SANDWICH
NORTH-CFTP (Loc ID 359925)
60,000 Dth/day for MLN (NORTH END) -
CFTP (Loc ID 22631)
20,000 Dth/day for MLN (SOUTH END) - CFTP
(Loc ID 226632)
20,000 Dth/day for MLS SANDWICH-BRIDGMAN (Loc
ID 9505485)
2,550,000 Dth/day for ANRPL STORAGE FACILITIES
Storage Area (Loc ID 153808)
51,000 Dth/day for ANRPL STORAGE
FACILITIES Withdrawal Point (Loc ID 153808)
14,571 Dth/day for
ANRPL STORAGE FACILITIES Injection Point (Loc ID 153808)
79,575 Dth/day
Winter Season only Starting November 2018
92,404 Dth/day
Summer Season only starting April 2019

As of the date of this
posting, none of this reserved capacity has been sold on a
limited-term basis that would otherwise be eligible for right of
first refusal. ANR will make this capacity available for sale
on a limited term basis starting from the date of this posting
until the projected in-service date of the Project. If any of
this reserved capacity is sold on a limited-term basis that
would otherwise be eligible for a right of first refusal or if
there are any material changes in the scope of the expansion
project, ANR will update this posting accordingly.