Critical Notice

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Other
Posting Date/Time: 11/16/2015 09:49
Notice Effective Date/Time: 11/17/2015 09:00
Notice End Date/Time: 12/18/2015 08:59
Notice ID: 7601
Notice Status Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:  
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Subject: Attn: All ANR Shippers
Notice Text:
Effective for gas day November 17, 2015, the available capacity for the Muttonville Lateral (Loc Id 364926) will be 0 Dth for shipper nominations until further notice.

If you have any questions about this posting or need assistance, please contact the ANR Nomination & Scheduling team at 1-800-8ASKANR (800-827-5267).