Critical Notice

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: OFO
Posting Date/Time: 02/13/2025 09:01
Notice Effective Date/Time: 02/17/2025 09:00
Notice End Date/Time: 02/22/2025 08:59
Notice ID: 12203
Notice Status Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:  
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Subject: Operational Flow Order (OFO): ML-7 Market Zone (Posted 2/13/25)
Notice Text:
Operational Flow Order (OFO): ML-7 Market Zone (Posted 2/13/25)

Effective starting Monday, February 17th and continue through Friday, February 21st, pursuant to Section 6.8 of the General Terms and Conditions of ANR's FERC Gas Tariff (Tariff), ANR Pipeline Company (ANR) is issuing an Operational Flow Order (OFO) to all parties in the ML-7 market zone. Note that both hourly and daily enforcement are necessary to maintain line pack, maintain minimum necessary pressures for pipeline operations to provide efficient and reliable transportation services, and maintain ANR's pipeline system in balance for the foregoing purposes.

This OFO does not affect the ability of ANR to receive or deliver quantities of gas for scheduled nominations to any customer or pipeline.

ANR instructs all parties with receipts or deliveries in Zone ML-7 to adhere to all conditions put forth in the OFO Watch posted as Critical Notice #12201 and any notices superseding #12201 (collectively "Critical Notice #12201"), as well as ANR's Tariff Section 6.6.4. Critical Notice #12201 and referenced tariff section include instructions on hourly deliveries.

As set forth in Section 6.8.10 of ANR's FERC Gas Tariff, actual daily over-deliveries off of ANR's system or under-receipts onto ANR's system may not exceed a variance of the lesser of 1,000 Dth or 5% of shipper's scheduled volumes. Additionally, maximum hourly deliveries cannot exceed the Maximum Hourly Quantity (MHQ) permitted in accordance with Critical Notice #12201 and ANR's Tariff Section 6.6.4, over a tolerance of 5%.

For Rate Schedule ETS shippers who are party to a Maximum Delivery Level (MDL) agreement that includes gate-level Delivery Point limits, ANR is clarifying that those limits are not within the scope of this OFO. Should ANR's system integrity requirements necessitate gate level restrictions within the ETS Delivery Point Group, this OFO notice will be updated accordingly.

Customers requesting short-notice start-up are expected to provide corresponding supply into ANR later in the Gas Day. For customers without the short-notice startup provision in their transportation agreement, requests for a short-notice startup will be evaluated a case-by-case basis.

Failure to comply with this OFO may result in OFO penalties, physical curtailment and/or reduction in scheduled nominations as deemed necessary by ANR to maintain the operational integrity of its system.

Per Section 6.8.10 of ANR's FERC Gas Tariff, any shipper failing to comply with the terms of a validly issued OFO shall be liable for damages and subject to penalties. Penalties for shippers failing to comply with this OFO may be assessed on the greater of the daily exceedance (beyond any allowable variance) or the daily total of hourly flows in excess of the MHQ requirements (beyond any allowable variance) as noted above.

Updated notifications will be available on ANR's website at