Critical Notice

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Constraint
Posting Date/Time: 01/20/2025 10:00
Notice Effective Date/Time: 01/20/2025 10:00
Notice End Date/Time: 01/21/2025 08:59
Notice ID: 12161
Notice Status Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 12152
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Subject: LIFTED: Southwest mainline Southbound restriction (Lifted 1/20/25)
Notice Text:
LIFTED: Southwest mainline Southbound restriction (Lifted 1/20/25)

Effective immediately, ANR is lifting the Southwest Mainline southbound capacity restriction.

***Previous Posting***
To preserve system integrity and to ensure ANR Pipeline (ANRPL) is able to meet scheduled delivery commitments along the Southwest Mainline (SWML), ANRPL is limiting all SOUTHBOUND capacity on SWML between the Sandwich Compressor Station and the SW Headstation/CDP (Loc ID 153905) to firm primary path capacity only (FPO). Secondary and Interruptible southbound nominations in this area will not be scheduled.

This posting is in effect for Sunday, January 19th, through Tuesday, January 21st.
This posting does NOT apply to northbound SWML nominations.

Based on current nominations, it is anticipated that this posting will result in the capacity allocation reduction of IT and Firm Secondary volumes.

Please direct any questions to your Account Coordinator, Customer Service Representative, or the Nominations and Scheduling hotline @ 800-827-5267