Non-Critical Notice

TSP Name:ANR Pipeline Company

Notice Type Desc: Other
Posting Date/Time: 02/02/2024 17:01
Notice Effective Date/Time: 02/02/2024 17:01
Notice End Date/Time: 10/04/2024 15:30
Notice ID: 11649
Notice Status Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 11477
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Rsp Date/Time:  
Subject: Southwest Central Area Project Reservation of Capacity
Notice Text:
UPDATE to the Southwest Central Area Project Reservation of Capacity Posting (Notice ID 11477), posted on October 4, 2023, for the Southwest Central Area Project.

Pursuant to Section 6.3.3 of the General Terms and Conditions of its FERC Gas Tariff, Third Revised Volume No. 1, as amended from time to time ("Tariff"), ANR Pipeline Company ("ANR") gives notice that it has elected to reserve available, unsubscribed capacity, as more fully described below, for use in a future expansion project on the ANR pipeline system.

The Southwest Central Area Project (the "Project") is being designed to add compressor station facilities, and other appurtenant facilities located within ANR's ML-6 zone. The project will include pipeline segments in ANR's ML-4 through ML-7 zones ("Project Area"). The Project seeks to provide firm capacity for the transport of natural gas volumes from certain receipt points in the Project Area to certain delivery points in the state of Iowa. The anticipated in-service date of the Project is November 1, 2027.

As a result, ANR is reserving transportation capacity for the Project as more fully described below for the following locations and segments (collectively, the capacity described below the "Reserved Capacity"):

starting November 1, 2027, during the period of November 1 - March 31 annually:

8,600 Dth/day

14,900 Dth/day

starting April 1, 2028, during the period of April 1 - October 31 annually:

21,100 Dth/day

The Reserved Capacity and scope of the Project may change based upon continued negotiations with potential shippers and the results of any potential, subsequent open season. As of the date of this posting, none of the Reserved Capacity has been sold on a limited-term (interim) basis that would otherwise be eligible for a right of first refusal.

Subject to its availability, ANR will be making this capacity available for sale on a limited term basis starting from the date of this posting to the in-service date of the Project. Any limitations on extension rights that will apply to such reserved capacity that is sold on a limited-term basis that would otherwise be eligible for a right of first refusal will be indicated on ANR's Internet site under Informational Postings listing Unsubscribed Capacity. If there are any material changes in the scope of the Project, ANR will update this posting accordingly. ANR anticipates commencing an open season for the Project by Q3 2024.